Kupwara, Apr 26 : District Magistrate Kupwara Wednesday directed landlords in the district to undergo registration of tenants, within next ten days.
Citing contents of a communiqué from Senior Superintendent of Police, Kupwara, the District Magistrate said the latter has reported that landlords are providing accommodation and properties to tenants without informing concerned Police Stations and Police Posts.
“Senior Superintendent of Police, Kupwara has further reported that there are serious security apprehensions if the landlords shall not timely inform concerned Police Stations/Police Posts regarding the tenants.”
“The Senior Superintendent of Police, Kupwara through his communication has requested that there is an imminent need to inform all the landlords of district Kupwara to maintain register and inform concerned Police Stations/Police Posts regarding the tenants on the prescribed format”, maintains the order.
“It is necessary that some steps are taken to make the landlords, property owners accountable before renting out or making available their premises to tenants, so that the criminals / anti-social /anti-national elements in the guise of tenants do not succeed in Commission of crime in the Community”, reads the order adding “I consider the threat being posed by such anti-social elements as an imminent apprehended danger to public safety and security that warrants immediate preventive measures.”
“Therefore for the reasons stated and in exercise of powers vested in me under Section 144 CrPC, I, District Magistrate, Kupwara do hereby order and require all landlords, owners of properties, attorney holders, persons in-charge of premises in any capacity (hereafter called as building owners) located in the entire jurisdiction of District Kupwara to comply strictly with the following directions that i) All Building Owners shall after the issuance of this order and within ten days of letting/ sub-letting/renting out his/her house or part thereof to any tenant(s), submit without fail the detailed particulars of the tenant(s) to be signed by both the owner and the tenant(s) to the concerned Police Station/Police Posts ii) The Building Owners who have already let/sub-let/rented out their house(s) or part(s) thereof to any tenant on any date prior to issuance of this order, shall within ten days after the issuance of this order submit without fail the detailed particulars of the tenants to the concerned Police Station/ Police Posts iii) All arrangements of letting or sub-letting the property like “paying Guest” tenants etc, shall be covered by this order iv) Every SHO/Incharge PP in District Kupwara shall maintain a separate register for such purpose”, reads the order, a copy of which lies with GNS.
“This order shall come into force with immediate effect and any violation of this order shall invite punitive action under Section 188 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 and other relevant sections of the 144 CrPC. Senior Superintendent of Police, Kupwara/Handwara shall implement the order in letter & spirit”, it reads further. (GNS)