Kisan Sampark Abhiyan Kick started in Kupwara disrict
KUPWARA, APRIL 24: “The Kissan Sampark Abhiyan” Farmers Orientation Programe under Holistic Agriculture Development Programe (HADP) was Kick started today in Kupwara district.
The programme was formally inaugurated today by Additional District Development Commisioner (ADDC) Kupwara, Altaf Ahmad Khan at Batergam Panchayat of Kupwara CD- Block.
The holistic Agriculture development programme aims to create awareness among farmers and PRIs in collaboration with all line departments where farmers and other stake holders are facilitated, taken on board and hand-holded for implementation of this prestigious programme. The programme is covering 45 projects conceived under Holistic Agricultual Development Programme(HADP) in which Audio visual aids are put into use for effective orientation and awareness.
In his presidential address, the ADDC Kupwara, expressed his happiness towards all the Line departments for reaching out to the farmers of the district through programmes like Kisan Sampark Abhiyan. He emphasised on the use of Information & Communication technology for amelioration of the Agriculture sector in the district.
He also focussed on dissemination of knowledge from lab to land through Panchayats .
ADDC asked concerned to disseminate awareness among the farmers about modern tools and techniques that have been incorporated in HADP and use different extension methods to motivate the farming community in adoption of proposed interventions in the approved projects
Dr. Ishrat District Nodal Officer HADP described the aims and objectives of the Holistic Agriculture Development Programe . He said that the plan will change the face of the Agriculture sector in Kupwara district.
During the first technical session experts from different fields gave a detailed power point presentation about Project description and plan of work. They deliberated on the innovative and holistic approaches for promotion of Agriculture and allied sectors.
Dr.Ishrat said that all logistics, refreshments, Adio visual aids and information booklets have been kept available at orientation venues across the district.
The programme concluded with Interaction cum Feedback Session between the experts and farmers.
The programme was attended by Member District Development Council Drugmulla; Adv. Amina, District Agriculture Officer G.M Dhobi, Chief Animal Husbandry officer Kupwara; Dr. Ashraf, Block Development officer Kupwara; Mansoor Ahmad Shah and other officers and functionaries and technical staff of line departments.
At Handwara programe was inaugurated by ADC Handwara Nazir Ahmad Mir at Budarhar Panchayat.